Dai-ichi Life, a leading Japanese life insurer with over 121 years of history, officially launched a new product called EASYCare during their 5th anniversary celebration. The new, innovative life insurance plan is developed to help bridge the critical gap in life insurance accessibility for Cambodians.
As part of the Dai-ichi Life’s 5th anniversary celebration, this new product is launched with a special promotion. The customer will receive up to 25$ phone card with the purchase between now and 31st May 2024, with terms and conditions applied.
“Dai-ichi Life has been committed to expanding access to financial security solutions in Cambodia. On this occasion of our 5th anniversary, we are proud to introduce EASYCare, a product that aligns with the Insurance Regulator of Cambodia's vision to increase life insurance access and penetration. We believe EASYCare can empower more Cambodians to plan for a better, more secure financial future,” said Mr. Mah Kin Yoong, Acting CEO of Dai-ichi Life Cambodia.
EASYCare offers customers coverage of up to USD 25,000 for accidents and critical illnesses, along with the opportunity to build savings for the future. The product is designed to empower individuals and their families to face unforeseen circumstances with greater financial security.
For more information about how you can purchase EASYCare, contact Dai-ichi Life’s team now via 1800 201 202 (Free of charge).